Thanks for stopping by!
All of the information, downloads and mediations you find on this site will be centered around the person of Jesus Christ. While some of the practices may draw from other disciplines, what is found here will be Christian and for the purpose of enhancing and deepening the life of a Christ-follower.
My journey to a contemplative practice had a few bends in the path. I was blessed with parents who planted within me a deep commitment to a Christian life. In my early 30s, I was active in my faith community and found myself very busy “doing” and not “being.” I studied God a lot, but I didn’t know how to “be” with God. In truth, part of me was terrified at the idea. I felt an emptiness and longing for deeper intimacy with the Divine, but I simply didn’t know how…until I learned about Spiritual Direction at a Renovare’ Conference.
The first day I met with my Spiritual Director she said to me plainly, “so you want to grow in your prayer life.” She said it like it was a fact and not a question. I agreed without a clue what she had in store for me. Mary, whom I affectionately refer to as my “Jesus Coach,” guided me through prayer practices like Lectio Divina, the Examen, Imaginative Prayer and Centering Prayer. With her help I began to befriend and tame the monkeys in my mind and gradually shift from an intellectual pursuit of God to a more experiential one. Christian Meditation has completely changed my life, not to mention my experience of Christianity. By nature, I am inattentive, disorganized and creative to a fault. When I am regular in my practice I find myself more focused, at ease, patient, kind and satisfied with whatever the days bring. I am a better wife, mother, friend, daughter and therapist as a result. is my attempt to regift just a bit of how Mary and a meditative practice has blessed my life. Here’s my hope for what you will find here:
- Basic information and resources about Christian Meditation
- Tools for Christ-Centering practices
- Downloads of experiential and multi-sensory prayer paths.
- And the most delightful…Downloads of guided meditative prayer using spiritual imagery, relaxation techniques and imaginative prayer accompanied by alpha or theta wave music. You can get these on the Christian Meditation Facebook Page, Selz Store, CD Baby or download from iTunes. All of these downloads, prayer guides and practices will be based in Biblical narrative or truth even if they look or sound like mindfulness, hypnosis or some other modern phenomenon.
I hope you’ll listen to a few guided meditations…I would love your feedback and be honored for you to share them with those you love!
May you experience the fullness of Christ and be well,
Warmly, Amy
Want to know more?
I’m a lifelong Texan, have been married for 17 years and have two children.
Professionally, I hold a doctorate and masters degree in marriage and family therapy and have a private marriage and family therapy practice in Houston Texas specializing in marriage and sex therapy, trauma and depression. I also serve as the clinical director for a non-profit counseling organization providing affordable therapy to the community. Connect with me on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or Scoop it!
Personally, I enjoy reading, blogging, doing yoga, triathlons, sewing, being active in my church, spending time with my children and dating my husband. Check out my other blogs at or I enjoy speaking for various churches, organizations and retreats and serving on the board of directors at the Austin Graduate School of Theology.