Radiant Facial Prayer

Bask in the light of God’s love as a gentle loving light massages all the tiny muscles in your face. The prayer concludes resting in the beauty of the sun setting on the horizon. Based on Psalm 34:5 Duration: 9:25…

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Living Waters Prayer

Resting in the light of God’s love at the oceanside, this guided Christian Meditative Prayer walks along side Jesus as He shares about true living water. Then welcoming the Holy Spirit in as living water the prayer seeks guidance, wisdom…

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Restoring Eden

This 16 minute guided Christian Meditation begins with a toe to head four minute relaxation followed by an invitation to an Eden like garden in the imagination. Focusing in on a singular red rose the prayer leads one to connect…

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Heart of Gratitude Prayer

This 8 minute guided prayer invites the listener to create an open space of gratitude surrounding an imagined heart full of love and light. Gathering images, words, phrases or faces of love creates feelings of warmth, closeness and hope. Guiding…

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