Bask in the light of God’s love as a gentle loving light massages all the tiny muscles in your face. The prayer concludes resting in the beauty of the sun setting on the horizon. Based on Psalm 34:5 Duration: 9:25…
Bask in the light of God’s love as a gentle loving light massages all the tiny muscles in your face. The prayer concludes resting in the beauty of the sun setting on the horizon. Based on Psalm 34:5 Duration: 9:25…
This Christian Guided Meditation journeys through the Biblical narrative with the glory of God represented in the form of a great light. From the spirit of God hovering over the waters, the Creator speaking light into the world, the radiance…
This 16 minute guided Christian Meditation begins with a toe to head four minute relaxation followed by an invitation to an Eden like garden in the imagination. Focusing in on a singular red rose the prayer leads one to connect…
This 8 minute guided prayer invites the listener to create an open space of gratitude surrounding an imagined heart full of love and light. Gathering images, words, phrases or faces of love creates feelings of warmth, closeness and hope. Guiding…
This guided meditative prayer is an invitation to the banks of the river of life flowing continuously through time. The prayer creates opportunities to connect with feelings of love and connection the over the course of life. Concluding with imagery…
Henry David Thoreau states happiness can be achieved not through the chase, but through focused attention. “Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other…
In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. John 14:20 Prayer is commonly accepted as the primary path to connecting with the divine. In the west, we mostly…
James Finley in Christian Mediation