Start Meditating Today!

Want to listen and download guided Christian Mediation right away? Check out Christian Meditative Prayers on iTunes!  Guided Christian Meditation is a simple way to experience the presence of Christ in your body and heart.  While meditation is simple, it…

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Radiant Facial Prayer

Bask in the light of God’s love as a gentle loving light massages all the tiny muscles in your face. The prayer concludes resting in the beauty of the sun setting on the horizon. Based on Psalm 34:5 Duration: 9:25…

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The Light of Eternity

This Christian Guided Meditation journeys through the Biblical narrative with the glory of God represented in the form of a great light. From the spirit of God hovering over the waters, the Creator speaking light into the world, the radiance…

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Spiritual Breathing

This 10 minute audio uses the sensation of breathing to connect more deeply with the Spirit of God using scripture, imagery and relaxing music. Written and Recorded by Amy Fuller PhD DOWNLOAD SPIRITUAL BREATHING FREE digital download on Selz

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The Breath of Christ

Enfold yourself in the breath of Christ as you imagine yourself present in the locked room where the disciples wait in fear after the death of Jesus. As he appears in His resurrected body he speaks peace be with you….

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Letting Go Prayer

To a dear one about whom I have been concerned: I behold the Christ in you. I place you lovingly in the care of the Father. I release you from my anxiety and concern. I let go of my possessive…

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Holy Week Prayer Walk: A Journey with Jesus

Experience a walk with Christ as He journeys from the triumphal entry to Jerusalem, to Bethany, to Gethsemane and finally to Golgotha in this Holy Week Prayer Walk. Traveling through 8 stations, one for each day of the week prior…

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Welcoming Prayer

What is the Welcoming Prayer? The Welcoming Prayer is a method of consenting to God’s presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations in daily life.  The Welcoming Prayer is the prayer practice of attending,…

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Lectio Divina

Hearing the Word of God in your Heart Lectio Divina is also called Praying with Scripture, Sacred Reading and Dwelling in the Word Lectio Divina is reading, reflecting, responding and resting in the word of God that helps one grow…

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