The Stations of the Cross is an ancient Christian tradition that has been passed along for centuries as a powerful time of connecting with Jesus related to his final hours in human form. As you experience the Stations of the…
The Stations of the Cross is an ancient Christian tradition that has been passed along for centuries as a powerful time of connecting with Jesus related to his final hours in human form. As you experience the Stations of the…
Bask in the light of God’s love as a gentle loving light massages all the tiny muscles in your face. The prayer concludes resting in the beauty of the sun setting on the horizon. Based on Psalm 34:5 Duration: 9:25…
This Christian Guided Meditation journeys through the Biblical narrative with the glory of God represented in the form of a great light. From the spirit of God hovering over the waters, the Creator speaking light into the world, the radiance…
Experience a walk with Christ as He journeys from the triumphal entry to Jerusalem, to Bethany, to Gethsemane and finally to Golgotha in this Holy Week Prayer Walk. Traveling through 8 stations, one for each day of the week prior…
James Finley in Christian Mediation